Port of Saipan
- 2,600 linear feet of berthing space
- 22-acre container yard
- Water line and an underground fuel line protected by a concrete vault
- An underground sewage removal system
- Backup generator for port operations area
- Dockside lights for nighttime operation
- Refrigerated containers outlets with backup power source
- Seawater Fire Fighting System
- The channel, turning basin, and berthing areas have been widened and deepened to a uniform -40 feet in order to comfortably welcome medium to deep draft vessels into port
- Two fuel storage facilities at the Saipan seaport
- Bulk cement company
- Three freight forwarding companies and three shipping agents
- Sunset cruises
- Improved navigational aids and repositioned harbor buoys to mark the safest route into port with the assistance from the U.S. Coast Guard.
- Two car rental companies available at the seaport for our inter-island travelers.
CPA is currently reconstructing Berth 103 at the harbor which caters to local vessels. The project will also rectify the cavities under the parking lot for a safer harbor.
CPA is designing repairs and an extension to Delta Dock due to its age and underwater cavities while providing additional berthing space with the extension. CPA will then apply for a construction grant to commence with the repair and extension work.
The South Seaplane Ramp will undergo improvements as well with a newly paved parking lot, repairs to the loading ramp and removal of the abandoned vessel that is sitting on the dock.